SuperfreakMedia, Article, Filmmaking, Short Film, Horror Charlie Brentnall SuperfreakMedia, Article, Filmmaking, Short Film, Horror Charlie Brentnall

HAPPY BIRTHDAY: Superfreak Media

Happy 15th Birthday SuperfreakMedia! It’s been one hell of a journey getting to where we are now, with lots of blood, sweat, and tears going into each production. Follow our journey here in this exclusive blog post, detailing the productions we’ve worked on, the people we have met, the awards we have won, and the continued growth of SuperfreakMedia. Thank you all so much for the last 15 years. Here’s to 15 more!

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HOME INVASION - Special Feature.

Special Feature leading up to the release of our latest short Horror Film ‘HOME INVASION’ - Releasing July 15th. Charlie sits down with Director Liam Banks for an in-depth interview about the making of the film, the pre production process and why it’s always important to celebrate Halloween all year round!

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